“Young Professionals in the Arts” Night at CIMA


November 03, 2023, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

General Admission: FREE


The Soho Arts Network presents a special FREE night of Italian art and light refreshments at CIMA.

This evening event is open to all graduate students, research fellows, young professionals* and interns in the art and art history world from the New York area.

Come join us for a guided tour of CIMA’s current exhibition Transatlantic Bridges: Corrado Cagli, 1938-1948 and meet like-minded art lovers from all across the city.

5:30 – 6:00 pm: Refreshments, conversation and music.

6:00pm: Guided tour of CIMA’s exhibition, Transatlantic Bridges: Corrado Cagli, 1938-1948

Light refreshments will be provided

*under the age of 35

Public programming at CIMA is made possible with the generous support of Tiro a Segno Foundation.
