Alice Ensabella is a Lecturer in Contemporary Art History at the University of Grenoble. She received her PhD in 2017 (a double degree from the Università di Roma La Sapienza and the Université de Grenoble) in Contemporary Art History with a dissertation on the art market of Surrealist art in Paris during the twenties. Her research focuses on the art market system, the circulation of artworks and the shaping of taste in the Parisian and American in the interwar years, especially focusing on surrealist and metaphysical art. Ensabella published several articles and essays on this topic (Ricezione e fortuna della pittura dei Dioscuri nella Parigi della fine degli anni Venti, “Giorgio de Chirico e Alberto Savino. Una mitologia moderna,” 2019. Le lettere di Giorgio de Chirico a Paul et Gala Éluard (gennaio 1924 – gennaio 1925), “Studi OnLine” (co-author Gerd Roos; forthcoming). Les surréalistes à Drouot. Présences surréalistes aux enchères entre 1919 et 1930, “Ricerche di Storia dell’Arte,” 2017. Tra strategie, passioni e ideali. Gino Severini e Léonce Rosenberg, “Gino Severini, l’emozione e la regola,” 2016. “Apparition à la côte du peintre italien Giorgio de Chirico”. La vendita della collezione Éluard el luglio 1924, “Studi OnLine,” 2016). Since 2012, she has been collaborating with the Archivio dell’Arte Metafisica in Milan and since 2013 with the Magnani Rocca Foundation in Parma. She is a member of the International Network for Young Scholars of the Forum Kunst und Markt in Berlin (Technische Universität) and former fellow at the Center for Italian Modern Art in New York. She recently curated with Stefano Roffi the exhibition Giorgio de Chirico, Alberto Savinio. Una mitologia moderna at the Magnani Rocca Foundation and she is curating another exhibition project on Giorgio Morandi at the Musée de Grenoble for 2020.